The board and officials will be elected at the association’s autumn meeting on 12th of December 2024. The invitation to the autumn meeting is sent by e-mail to HYAL members and the meeting is announced on HYAL’s social media.
Availability can be expressed with a motivation letter of max. 1 page to which a CV can be attached 11.12. By mail to: For more information, you can ask the association’s vice-Chairperson Sophie Nyyssönen.
The board meets about once a month. The board makes decisions together, maintains a happy atmosphere in HYAL and is a link between student organizations and HYY.
HYAL’s board members attend meetings as agreed, in order to obtain a quorum at the meetings. Board members have access to HYAL’s information systems. You can become an official at any time and it’s an easy way to come to HYAL to do one area, for example, to help organize an event.
The chairperson manages the association’s activities. They convenes the meetings, prepare the agendas and lead the speech in the meetings. The chairperson assigns tasks and ensures that the agreed matters are taken care of, cooperating with the chairpersons of HYAL’s representative group. The chairperson asks how the board members are feeling and supports the board members in managing their own work. The chairperson handles matters related to the association register and grant applications and takes care that the association’s activities are legal. The chairperson represents the association and maintains contact with stakeholders. In the spring, the chairperson prepares the action plan, ensures the finalization of the financial statements, the budget and follows HYAL’s strategy. At the end of the year, they make sure that the activity report is ready, work‘testaments’ have been updated and coordinate orientations for new operators.
Vice chairperson
The vice-chairperson acts as the chairperson’s deputy if necessary and coordinates the association’s activities together with the chairperson. The vice-chairperson can be assigned their own set of chairperson’s duties, according to their own interests and skills. During election years, the Chief election manager is often named the second vice chairperson of the association.
The secretary’s duties include writing minutes of meetings and having them approved by the board. The secretary makes sure that the membership register and its privacy statement are up to date. The secretary ensures that the minutes and attachments are in good order in HYAL’s archive.
The treasurer
The treasurer takes care of HYAL’s financial administration and practical tasks. The treasurer is the contact person in banking matters (e.g. payment cards, Mobilepay). They keep the board informed of the financial situation, pay and send invoices, refund for purchases made by operators as quickly as possible, and takes care of the accounting. At the beginning of the year, they prepare a budget together with the chairperson and monitor its implementation during the year. At the end of the year, the treasurer prepares the financial statements.
Event production and wellbeing
The event managers keep the board and HYAL’ members on the edge of the joy of student life. The entire HYAL board and actors are involved in organizing joint events. The arrangements include planning, bringing the necessary goods and services to and from the venue, deciding on the menu taking into account special diets, decorating, selling, communicating and cleaning up the venue at the end of the event. HYAL’s events can be aimed at operators or they can be open to all students of the University of Helsinki. In 2025, if desired, we can organize, for example, a sitz party, anniversary celebration, sauna evenings or even cake tasting! The sky’s the limit.
HYAL has a website and several social media platforms. Communication produces material on these current issues such as events, rep-co meetings and statements as needed and supports actors in emphasizing their own ideas to fit HYAL’s brand and policy. In communication, creativity can flourish in bringing different videos and visual messages to all students of the University of Helsinki. At the beginning of the year, communication will update the information of HYAL’s new trustees and officials on the website.
Organizational liaison/manager
HYAL works in HYY on behalf of student organizations. Communication with these organizations is the core of HYAL’s operations. The organization manager coordinates organization visits to their meetings or other events, where they ask about how the actors and volunteers are doing, about their need for support, and tell about the advocacy work done in HYAL on behalf of organizations in HYY.
Equality and environmental managers
In HYAL, people responsible for equality and safety and environmental issues are appointed, they will update the action plan sections of their areas at the beginning of the year and monitor their implementation. How could we, as an association, work better so that our actors and those participating in the events have a good time, stay safe and we are making sustainable choices?
Chief Electoral Officer 2025
The Chief Electoral Officer represents HYAL at the meetings of the election managers of all HYY representative council groups. The Chief Electoral Officer coordinates the election work as a whole and delegates tasks as they see fit. Major entities related to elections include candidate recruitment, candidate training, election machine answer bases, election program, coordination of election events, election budget monitoring, procurement decisions with the support of HYAL board and, above all, supporting candidates.
List managers
In recent years, HYAL has had the model of two lists: HYAL Center campus and HYAL Viikki-Kumpula-Meikku. The list supervisors are the closest support for the candidates of their own list in the campaigning work. The list supervisors coordinate the lists’ own statements on social media and practical election work on campuses, for example moving tents, tables, flags and election materials to be distributed. List managers make sure that all candidates on the list know what’s coming, and that no one is doing election work alone on the campuses.
Election communication team
The communication of the elections includes promoting HYAL’s candidates and the main themes of the campaign in a strategic and versatile way in different communication channels. The communication team produces both the visual appearance of the elections and written content about the activities of HYY, HYY’s representative council and HYAL. Communications works closely with the election manager.